The Old Testament – Part 4

Abraham Abraham and his forefathers belonged to a very peculiar type of a mighty race. They led a pastoral life. They were not really natives of Dr, in Chaldea, but they had removed there. They exercised special authority and jurisdiction. Here and there, they took possession of certain regions where good pasturage was found. They […]

The Old Testament – Part 3

The Tower of Babel The building of the Tower of Babel was the work of pride. The builders aimed at constructing something according to their own ideas, and thus resist the guidance of God. When the children of Noe had become very numerous, the proudest and most experienced among them met to resolve upon the […]

The Old Testament – Part 2

The Promise of the Redeemer After the Fall of Man, God made known to the angels His plan for the restoration of the human race. I saw the throne of God. I saw the Most Holy Trinity and a movement in the Divine Persons. I saw the nine choirs of angels and God announcing to […]

The Old Testament – Part 1

THE CREATION Introductory Remarks Of the visions of her childhood Sister Emmerich tells us: “When in my sixth year I reflected on the first article of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth,” there passed before my soul innumerable pictures of the creation of Heaven and earth. […]