Abraham Abraham and his forefathers belonged to a very peculiar type of a mighty race. They led a pastoral life. They were not really natives of Dr, in Chaldea, but they had removed there. They exercised special authority and jurisdiction. Here and there, they took possession of certain regions where good pasturage was found. They […]
Month: January 2019
The Old Testament – Part 3
The Tower of Babel The building of the Tower of Babel was the work of pride. The builders aimed at constructing something according to their own ideas, and thus resist the guidance of God. When the children of Noe had become very numerous, the proudest and most experienced among them met to resolve upon the […]
The Old Testament – Part 2
The Promise of the Redeemer After the Fall of Man, God made known to the angels His plan for the restoration of the human race. I saw the throne of God. I saw the Most Holy Trinity and a movement in the Divine Persons. I saw the nine choirs of angels and God announcing to […]
The Old Testament – Part 1
THE CREATION Introductory Remarks Of the visions of her childhood Sister Emmerich tells us: “When in my sixth year I reflected on the first article of the Apostles’ Creed, “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth,” there passed before my soul innumerable pictures of the creation of Heaven and earth. […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 15
CHAPTER LVI. Joseph of Arimathea miraculously set at large. A short time after the return of the Blessed Virgin to the holy women, I was shown the interior of the prison in which the enemies of Joseph of Arimathea had confined him. He was praying fervently, when suddenly a brilliant light illuminated the whole place, […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 14
CHAPTER LVI. Apparitions on Occasion of the Death of Jesus. Among the dead who rose from their graves, and who were certainly a hundred in number, at Jerusalem, there were no relations of Jesus. I saw in various parts of the Holy Land others of the dead appear and bear testimony to the divinity of […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 13
CHAPTER LI. The Embalming of the Body of Jesus. The Blessed Virgin seated herself upon a large cloth spread on the ground, with her right knee, which was slightly raised, and her back resting against some mantles, rolled together so as to from a species of cushion. No precaution had been neglected which could in […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 12
CHAPTER XLVI. The Earthquake. Apparitions of the Dead in Jerusalem. I saw the soul of Jesus, at the moment he expired, appear under the form of a bright orb, and accompanied by angels, among whom I distinguished the angel Gabriel penetrate the earth at the foot of the Cross. I likewise saw these angels cast […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 11
CHAPTER XLI. Jesus hanging on the Cross between two Thieves. The tremendous concussion caused by the fall of the cross into the hole prepared for it drove the sharp points of the crown of thorns, which was still upon the head of our dear Saviour, still deeper into his sacred flesh, and blood ran down […]
The bitter Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ – Part 10
CHAPTER XXXVI. Jesus on Mount Golgotha. Sixth and Seventh Falls of Jesus. The procession again moved on; the road was very steep and rough between the walls of the town and Calvary, and Jesus had the greatest difficulty in walking with his heavy burden on his shoulders; but his cruel enemies, far from feeling the […]