From the end of the first Pasch to the imprisonment of Saint John the Baptist – Part 1

The Letter of King Abgarus From Bethania, where Jesus had for some time remained in concealment, He went to the place of Baptism near Ono. The arrangements were still in good order, owing to the care of its custodians. The disciples gathered around Jesus, and crowds of people came streaming in. As Jesus was teaching […]

From the beginning of the public life of Jesus until the first Pasch – Part 6

Jesus Goes Toward Maspha to Visit A Relative of St. Joseph When Jesus and His disciples left the cave, they struck off in the direction of Bethlehem. On this side of Ephron they entered an inn that stood among houses built apart, and there, after washing their feet, took some refreshment. The people were good […]

From the beginning of the public life of Jesus until the first Pasch – Part 5

Herod’s Soldiers. Deputies From the Sanhedrin. Crowds of Neophytes Come to John In Dothain, where Jesus had calmed the raving possessed, Jews and pagans had, since the Baby-lonian Captivity, dwelt together indiscriminately. On I do not now clearly remember John’s words when baptizing Jesus, but they were something like the following: “May Jehovah through the […]

From the beginning of the public life of Jesus until the first Pasch – Part 4

A Glance at the Disciples Going to the Baptism I saw the disciples whom Jesus had dispatched with messages arrive in Capharnaum. They were about five of the best-known. They had an interview with Mary, and then two of them went to Bethsaida for Peter and Andrew. James the Less, Simon, Thaddeus, John, and James […]

From the beginning of the public life of Jesus until the first Pasch – Part 3

Jesus Discourses with Eliud, the Essenian, Upon the Mysteries of the Old Testament and the Most Holy Incarnation Jesus passed the whole day in most confidential intercourse with Eliud, who asked Him various questions about His mission. Jesus explained all to the old man, telling him that He was the Messiah, speaking of the lineage […]

From the beginning of the public life of Jesus until the first Pasch – Part 2

Jesus in Bethsaida and Capharnaum Jesus left Nazareth to go to Bethsaida where He aimed at rousing some of the people by His teach-ing. The Blessed Virgin and His followers remained behind. During His stay in Nazareth, Jesus had stopped with His friends in His Mother’s house. But so much discontent and murmuring arose in […]